(CH) Certified Herbalist
(CNHP) Certified Natural Health Professional
IN.FORM Health Coach
Iridology, RBTI Analysis
Chronic Pain Support
What else would really matter if you didn’t have good health.
People ask me all the time if there is an herb for this or an herb for that, what are healthy fats, what I think of sugar, and how important is gut health. As a Holistic Health Practitioner, Coach and Herbalist I can definitely answer those questions and help you determine what fits your particular needs through a one on one consutlation. Our individual natural health consultations can be done Online or in the Office. These consultations are the best way to get results. We are able to work together to develop a wellness program or plan that is designed to work with your lifestyle and meet your goals of improved well-being!
Keep in mind that we do not treat disease or diagnose, we focus on building health. You should know that choosing to go the natural and holistic way is not going to be a quick fix! Modern medicine has trained us. When we get sick or have a problem, we take a pill and we feel better pretty quickly. Although you feel better, you need to ask yourself if the underlying problem has been corrected or have the symptoms just been relieved?
As a Holistic Health Practitioner, we want to help you reach your goals! So whether you are wanting to lose weight, strengthen your immune system, improve your energy, be more productive, strengthen your glandular system, improve or heal your gut health, achieve better sleep, or manage your stress, chronic pain and inflammation, let us join you on your journey! Our individual consultations are where our tools and experience come together to help create that custom plan you have been waiting for that will help you feel and look your best!
The Tools we Use
Body System Analysis
The Body System Analysis was developed by Clinical Herbalist Steven Horne. It offers an in-depth questionnaire that utilizes a systematic approach to wellness. It is based on the principle that every disease or symptom has a root cause. This questionnaire takes a look at your root cause and analyzes the 11 main systems of the body. This questionnaire helps to determine your lifestyle habits and which body system may be in need of nutritional and/or lifestyle support. It is based on a natural A,B,C + D approach to wellness (Activating, Building, Cleansing + Direct Aid).
pH Analysis and/or RBTI (Reams) – Energy In = Energy Out –
RBTI is the abbreviated term for Reams Biological Theory of Ionization. This theory of ionization was developed in the 1930’s by Dr. Carey Reams, a biochemist and mathematician. This analysis is non-invasive and uses fresh urine and saliva samples. The analysis takes a look at how well your body is keeping up with your lifestyle. It does not diagnose disease. If is an amazing analysis that can really pinpoint what your specific needs are. As Dr. Ream followers would say, “Why guess when you can be sure”! Once the analysis is complete we can develop a personalized supplement and lifestyle program for you. This is available in our office only.
Kinesiology and Muscle Response Testing
Muscle Response Testing is based on the science that all living things contain some type of internal energy or vibration. This type of testing offers a noninvasive way of evaluating and assessing the body’s imbalances or needs by tapping into its internal energy. Muscle Testing simply measures the body’s response to something when applying a slight pressure to a large muscle. The resistance to this applied pressure provides information on energy blockages, trapped emotions, the functioning of organs, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, and various other things. Natural Health Consultants widely use this modality to see how the body’s responds to herbs and other natural remedies.