Welcome to our Wellness Center and Herb Shop!
I am excited that you are here! You visiting our wellness center and herb shop website means that you are interested in wellness and in improving your health. After suffering with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome a.k.a. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome for over 11 years I chose to look outside the traditional medical box. I began exploring alternative and natural health options and started implementing holistic lifestyle changes to improve my health!
CRPS is a neuro-autoimmune disease whose major symptom is debilitating chronic pain. In 1994 I was first diagnosed and in 2005 I began the natural path back to health. In 2005 I decided to continue my education in natural health. My education has allowed me to achieve several certifications. I am a Certified Herbalist, Professional Aromatherapist, and a Holistic Health Coach (CNHP). Creating an online wellness program and writing the book, “Healthy Habits Challenge, a Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle” are two of my accomplishments to help others.
Our job is to help you begin your journey. Part of that journey is educational and designed to help you create healthy habits. Healthy habits will help you improve your health, give you more energy, will help you feel better, lose some weight, and help to manage or conquer your chronic health concern.
If you are ready to take back your health and learn about healthy living I am ready to help. I took back my own health and I know I can help you improve yours!

As a Holistic Health Coach
- Offering Natural Health Products,
- Vitamins, Herbs, Detoxification Services,
- Aromatherapy & Bach Flower Remedies to Balance your Emotions and
- Healthy Habits and Lifestyle Analysis Programs
- utilizing a variety of tools including
- pH Analysis, Muscle Testing, Questionnaires,
- and Bio-Analysis with Reams (RBTI).
Our Wellness Center Products and Services
Our center offers many services including detoxification with the Aqua Chi Foot Bath (an ionic detox foot bath great for cleansing) and the SOQI Bed combining Far Infrared Therapy with the Chi Machine Massage.
As a Holistic Health Practitioner / Coach working one on one with individuals is what we do best. We offer individual health coaching in person or online. Our individual online consults utilize the Body System Questionnaire with pH Analysis. Our in office consults utilize a full Bio-Chemical Lifestyle Analysis with Reams / RBTI and/or Zyto.
We also offer wellness programs specialize in achieving and maintaining a Healthy Weight Loss with our Healthy Habits INFORM Program as well as our Healthy Habits Purify Gut Health Program. These programs work amazingly for restoring gut health, metabolic syndrome and heavy metal detoxification.
At our local herb shop and wellness center you will also find several various types of supplements, essential oils, aromatherapy products, and wellness products for purchase to help you on your journey. Our brands include Nature’s Sunshine Products, Bach Flower Remedies, and Aquasana Water Filtration Products.
We are located in a cozy country setting in Decatur, Indiana just 20 minutes south of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Escape the busy life and come relax with Energy Wellness Center. We want to help you on your journey and reaching your goals of living a “Life of Health and Wellness Naturally”!
Don’t worry, if you don’t live close by we can still help by doing our program online, via phone, webinars and email!
Thanks for visiting.